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Psychological & Counselling Services
Life can be overwhelming. We are here to help. Our highly skilled professionals provide the most up-to-date psychological treatment and counselling approaches to help you identify your personal strengths, discover new coping strategies, build your knowledge and resilience, and regain your psychological footing.
Are you confronting work or family-related stressors? Are you worried about your kids? Are life events getting you down? Are you concerned about your loved one’s or your own mental health? Sometimes the presence of a calm, compassionate and knowledgeable professional, learning more about yourself and others, discovering new ways of coping and reframing your view of things, and rebuilding your confidence in yourself, can make all the difference.
Why Choose Us?
We provide a “one-stop” full range psychological and counselling service for you and your family.
Our services are strengths-based and client-directed. That means that you are in the driver’s seat and decide what you want to discuss, what pace you want to use, and the scope of what you want to address.
Our approach is welcoming and friendly, but professional and collaborative, and your best interest is our first priority.
We are committed to providing the best practice, using evidence-based psycho-therapeutic approaches, supported by expert consultants.
Look forward to individualized support, healing, new insights, personal growth, and the knowledge you need to move ahead.
Who We Are
Our registered psychologists and experienced Masters and Doctoral clinicians offer one-stop, current professional practices to help you discover your personal strengths, redefine problems as a reflection of your needs, set and achieve your objectives, and provide you with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to address your reasons for seeking professional assistance.
We have offices in two locations to serve you better, one in Woodbine (Woodbine Psychological and Counselling Services) and one in Oshawa (Oshawa Psychological and Counselling Services).
We also offer Child and Youth Services dedicated to children and adolescents in the lower level of the Oshawa Clinic.
Who We Serve
We serve individuals, including adults, children, and youth, couples, and families in York and Durham regions. Services may be offered in different languages: English, French, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese), Farsi, Filipino (Tagalog), Hebrew (Yiddish), Bahasa Indonesia.
We offer individual, couples, and group counselling for people of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities at all income levels.