Depression? We Can Help!
Psychology works for depression
If you feel unable to enjoy life, have trouble working or attending to your daily tasks, are eating much more or much less, sleep too much or suffer insomnia, have lost interest in sexual activity, are finding it tough to concentrate, are withdrawing from others, are experiencing unusual aches and pains, are being self-critical and feel worthless, and/or you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or taking your own life, you may have clinical depression.
You are not alone. Rates of depression are increasing world-wide in all age groups, and Canada is no exception (World Health Organization, 2018).
Depression can affect children and adults, men and women. The impact can vary depending on each person. It can involve withdrawal or higher levels of irritability and aggression. It is often accompanied by anger, anxiety, and/or self-medication (alcohol or drugs) to relieve the emotional pain. It is a leading cause of people’s inability to function to their full capacity. It is more than just feeling sad at certain times. It affects every aspect of individuals’ lives. In severe cases where a person is unable to function, a period of hospitalization may be required.
Depression can result from a variety of factors including life transitions such as unemployment, poverty, bereavement, relationship issues, bullying, psychological trauma, biological causes and physical illness. A family history of depression may be present. Some experience seasonal and postpartum depression.
Unfortunately many do not ask for, or receive treatment, even though effective treatment is available. We can help. If you think you are experiencing depression, your first step back to health involves a call to us.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered one of the most effective treatments for depression (Reavell et al, 2018) because of its focus on helping people to change negative, self-critical thinking, and reframing the way they see themselves, others, situations, and their lives.
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is another well-researched effective intervention that helps people work through painful emotional experiences and transform depression to healing and growth (Greenberg, 2017).
Greenberg, L.S. (2017). Emotion-focused therapy of depression. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 16(2), 106-117.
Reavell, J. Hopkinson, M., Clarkesmith, D., Lane, D.A. (October, 2018). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety in patients with cardiovascular disease. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80(8), 742-753.

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